29 June 2019

Canarian grill - burgers

We bring these spices mixes from our holidays in the Canaries last March.
Adobo Canario: garlic, paprika, origan, sweet paprika, cumin & thyme
Mojo Picon: garlic, paprika, cumin, sweet paprika, cayenne
Mojo de Cilantro: garlic, coriander seeds & grounded, parsley & cumin
Salmorejo: garlic, chery pepper, parsley, origan, sweet paprika & thyme

 Beef burgers need an higher fat percentage than normal for the meat to stay moist.
Around 20% fat is a good balance. Less than that and the meat would dry up fast on the grill due to intense heat. We did use Mojo Picon because we wanted spicier taste.

Mandatory bacon

So, the result...
Brioche bun, smoky apple & chili sauce, organic guacamole, chopped red onion, 2 organic beef burgers topped with melted jalapeno cheese, bacon, pickles & on top Kentucky Whiskey bbq sauce. Served with potato salad & English cider. The burger is juicy, spicy, sweet & sour. Yummi...

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