11 June 2023

Easy peasy rhubarby

This apple & rhubarb tartelette is probably one of the easiest piece of patisserie to do. So simple in fact that a 5 years old kid could do it blindfolded with one arm tied in the back. Well maybe not with just one arm but you get the picture: you peel and cut in cubes some rhubarb & apple (50/50 ratio), mix with apple marmelade, spread the fruit mix on sheets of frozen puff pastry, then in the oven for 15min. at 225° for the fruits to caramelize, When cooked, add a shot of rhum on top (or Calvados, or Amaretto, or whatever you have at home... but rhum is better), a scoop of vanilla ice-cream (Pirkka italian "Vaniglia Del Madagascar" is a personal favorite) and serve immediately.
You won't eat better ones in cafés or restaurants, believe me.


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