02 May 2013

Restaurant Sankt Annae - Copenhagen 2.5.2013

Back to Copenhagen... and back to restaurant Sankt Annae again!
Our table was booked over a month ago - smart move really as the small restaurant
was packed with the usual businessmen, elegant customers and local "celebrities".
It's possible to find a table if you pop in, but you really need all your luck. And if you're generally unlucky in life...
Anyway, this place is still amazing and  still ranks into the Copenhagen top 5 restaurants.
... Did we say that the food is to die for an still served in Danish Royal Porcelain?

Freshly boiled lobster salad & toasts
(this special isn't on the list )

Freshly peeled danish shrimps with lemon mayo & toasts
(same as above)

Boiled & fried filets of plaice with asparagus, shrimps, caviar & dressing

Fish cakes with remoulade

Lamb fricadelles (danish meatballs) with creamy spinach & pickles

Danish Brie & radishes

Old danish cheese with gravy jelly, onions and sprinkled with Aquavit

expresso & vintage Portwine

270 € (tips not included) and 3 hours later.
Our table is already booked for Christmas lunch 2013 - the very last meal of the year served December 23 at 14h15 (the 2nd service, and the best!) before the annual winter closing. As the maitre d'hotel said when asked if our reservation was duly noted: "don't worry, we'll be there." And so will we my friend. So will we...

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